Back pain, neck pain, and other neuromusculoskeletal conditions result from weak or traumatized posture. New studies show posture is a powerful indicator of how well and how long you’ll live.
Strengthening your posture's structural balance and functional alignment helps relieve pain, optimize performance (sports, work, etc.), improve appearance and promote successful aging.
Certified Posture Exercise Professionals (CPEP’s) are health and fitness professionals trained in StrongPosture® protocols, which are designed to be taught to people of various levels of fitness, trauma or ability.
Since posture is the ‘function of structure’, the CPEP will help to rehabilitate your posture and optimize your motion. They do it by first assessing and analyzing your postural weaknesses and then teaching you how to counteract them with posture strengthening exercises.
Which demographics benefit the most from the StrongPosture Exercise program?
Be it boomers and seniors, teenage and professional athletes, computer-bound professionals or physical laborers, patients suffering of severe even chronic conditions (Parkinson's, MS, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, etc) and / or permanent physical trauma (amputees & paralympians) - all demographics understand and highly value the idea of moving well to be and feel well.
Therefore, StrongPosture exercise protocols were custom designed to be easily learnable by all the above mentioned groups of people.
Being coached by a CPEP® is hence the standard in posture strengthening for the purposes of pain relief, rehabilitation, wellness, sports / work / life performance and healthy aging.
Posture Rehabiliation Program on Your Schedule
This advanced and very effective program is clinically designed to rehabilitate your posture and optimize your motion.
The program is 7 weeks long, consisting of weekly 60 min bodywork sessions. It includes postural imbalance and asymmetry assessment that serves as a base line for treatment success monitoring of the custom tailored rehabilitative Balance-Alignment-Motion bodywork & exercise protocols.
The program contains the following steps:
First, we start with the assessment of the client's posture.
To do this, we use clinical posture assessment techniques together with a specialized software to obtain a visual documentation of the client's postural asymmetries or balance weaknesses that cause pain / discomfort and which negatively impact the client's health, movement and general quality of life. The findings and scans will then serve as a baseline for devising and monitoring the rehabilitative bodywork or treatment and exercise program.
Next, we review our detailed findings (...of postural imbalances and how they hinder your health, causing pain or discomfort) with the client and discuss, how these issues can be corrected through our clinically designed and individualized posture rehabilitation bodywork and exercise program.
Here, the main emphasis is on the client's commitment to fully participate in both the rehabilitative bodywork and exercise program that is spread over 7 weeks.
The progress of the rehabilitation as well as the success of the treatment protocol are closely monitored by the CPEP and reviewed in detail with the client during each visit, until the program's completion.
Throughout the course, the client will be taught how to effortlessly mold their rehabilitative Balance-Alignment-Motion sequence into their daily activities, thus resulting in a lasting, healthy and more efficient movement performance.