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The foundation of my practice is my education and training in medical massage, bodywork as well as posture rehabilitation therapy. 


My treatment protocols are always designed and custom tailored to meet each client's unique health needs with the objective of effectively addressing not only the symptoms, but especially the root causes of their pain & trauma.


Health issues I specialize in: Cancer * Chronic Pain * Long Covid * Immunity * Inflammation * Autoimmune Disorders * Traumatic Brain Injuries & Concussions * Migraines * Headaches * Gut Disfunctions (Gut-Brain Axis) * Alzheimer's * Chronic Fatigue * Sleep Challenges * Emotional Difficulties  & Depression * Stress & Tension Related Problems * TMJ Syndrome & Dental Challenges * Motor Coordination Impairments * Orthopedic & Post Surgical Dysfunction * Scarring * Scoliosis * Spinal Cord Injuries * Central Nervous System Disorders * PTSD * Soft Tissue trauma * Sports & Repetitive Motion Injuries * Posture Corrections & Movement Optimization * Work & Motor Vehicle Accidents * Parkinson's * Multiple Sclerosis * Fibromyalgia  & Connective Tissue Disorders , etc.


Additionally, I often closely collaborate with various health care professionals on a referral basis (including: naturopaths, allopathic physicians, chiropractors, hospitals, thermologists, acupuncturists, physical and occupational therapists, personal trainers, etc.) in order to create an integrative healthcare solution that most effectively supports the health needs and goals of our clients.

CST orange
and increase comfort








A light touch, whole-body treatment technique that works with the craniosacral system to effectively address aches, pains, various health issues as well as the body's coping mechanisms, immunity and natural rhythms. To learn more, continue reading below...

We use medical thermography detects the origin of functional problems such as thermal asymmetries or inflammation to help us better assess the root cause of refine health issues and refine treatment strategies. It provides significant benefits and advantages. Learn more

By assessing and analyzing your posture weaknesses and related pain and health issues, we teach you how to counteract them through a series of simple & clinically proven posture strengthening protocols. Learn more



Craniosacral Therapy


Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a non-invasive, gentle touch, hands-on healing technique that assesses and enhances the functioning of the craniosacral system (which includes the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround the brain and spinal cord, in addition to the skull, the spine and the sacrum). 


CST is used as a complementary treatment that reduces pain or stress, removes obstructions to the healthy flow of the cerebrospinal fluid as well as it relieves dysfunction caused by the compression of soft tissues which are surrounding the central nervous system (CNS, i.e. the brain and the spinal cord) or dysfunction caused by the compression of bones of the head or sacrum. â€‹

CST is highly effective, clinically proven, gentle, non-invasive & thus widely used healthcare modality to treat a number of health issues, by bolstering the body's immunity, innate resistance to disease, its natural and self-healing processes as well as overall wellness.


How does CST work & what to expect?

Craniosacral tissues can tighten as a result of injury, tension, stress or infection. Either one of these causes or their combination, can cause strain to the CNS and obstruct normal body functions, including the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. To undo these blockages, craniosacral therapists use their hands to produce a light touch / gentle pressure (under 5 grams, the weight of a nickel coin) in at relieving the stress and tension from the craniosacral system, and hence releasing the associated strain on the CNS. Simultaneously, the therapist's gentle manipulation of the patient's bones in the skull, pelvis and /or spine, also helps to reinstate the optimal flow of the cerebrospinal fluid to the CNS. 


Professional health care community considers craniosacral therapy to be generally safe, because the amount of pressure a practitioner applies is very low. Therefore, CST can be used for treating infants and young children as well.

Some people may experience not just a sense of relaxation, relief and extra energy but also lightheadedness, seeing colors, light nausea or diarrhea after first few sessions.


It is recommended by CST practitioners that after a therapy session, a client should drink lots of water. With the relieved tension and pain, your body may also release toxins that were accumulated in the soft tissue, back into your bloodstream. The consumed water can help to flush these toxins out faster and easier. While patients may experience feelings of relaxation, relief, extra energy or drowsiness, etc. after a session, practitioners recommend staying away from physically demanding activities for a day or two. This leads to getting the needed rest, which than helps your body to adjust back to a healthier physiological state. A CST session can lead you to releasing trapped emotions and related reactions, therefore this could be an excellent time to be extra patient with yourself. It is advised that you gently bring up any of these feelings to your awareness and use this experience as an avenue to get more in touch with your body.


Depending on the nature of the health issue (...chronic, acute, wellness maintenance, etc.) you are seeking treatment for, you may need to schedule from 2 to 10 sessions to resolve the issue and possibly follow up with later maintenance sessions. Consulting your craniosacral therapist or holistic health practitioner will help you to determine what's right for your condition.


CST is NOT RECOMMENDED in cases of patients presenting the following contraindications: increased intracranial pressure, intracranial hemorrhage (bleeding), acute stroke (6-8 weeks), tumors, and aneurysms (and cerebral vascular conditions), recent skull fracture, Spina Bifida, cerebrospinal fluid leaks, Arnold Chiari Malformations.



Lymphatic Drainage


Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) is unique in that healthcare professionals learn how to palpate the lymphatic flow. As they develop their skills, they can then identify the rhythm, direction, and quality of the lymphatic flow. Advanced practitioners will be able to precisely map the lymphatic flow to find alternate pathways for drainage. Developed by Bruno Chikly, MD, Lymph Drainage Therapy evolved from years of training in traditional medicine, Asian medical practices, and manual therapies.


The lymphatic system plays a central role in the removal of metabolic waste. When the lymphatic flow is interrupted or becomes sluggish through lack of hydration, poor diet or inactivity, all other body systems are affected negatively. One way to kick start the lymphatic system and improve its efficiency is through lymphatic massage.


Lymphatic massage uses gentle, rhythmic strokes along the body to gently “pump” lymph manually through the body. Improvements in lymphatic flow improve the removal of waste from the body. In turn, these support the body’s ability to detoxify and increase its metabolic rate. The positive effects of this type of massage therapy range from reduced fluid retention to better pain management and an increased feeling of well-being.


Lymphatic massage also can have a positive effect on the nervous system and, therefore, support the body and mind in dealing with chronic conditions that are associated with the nervous system.



Medical / Orthopedic Massage


Medical massage – also known as clinical or treatment massage – is the application of a specific treatment targeted at a specific, medically-diagnosed problem. Massage therapists are not permitted to diagnose their clients, thus you’ll need to have the help of a doctor to formally diagnose your condition and determine whether massage will be an effective treatment.


Medical massage isn’t confined to one technique. Several techniques can be incorporated in order to achieve relief from your condition. These include, among others:

 Trigger point therapy

Myofascial treatment;

• Deep tissue massage;

• Cross-fiber friction;

• Muscle energy technique



Oncology Massage


Oncology massage refers to massage tailored to the needs of individuals with cancer. This specialized practice requires therapists to be fully educated in and pay close attention to the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of clients in all stages of cancer: diagnosis, treatment, recovery, survivor, or terminal. Training in oncology massage covers appropriate bodywork modalities for cancer clients, includes precautions for radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery, and covers physiology and pathology.



Myofascial Release


Myofascial release massage works the web-like protective band that covers your body’s muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments and tissues. This protective band is made of elastin and collagen fibers. The band or fascia is dynamic, meaning that it responds to forces, either internal or external and resists these forces to protect the area that it covers.


When you sustain an injury or experience acute or chronic inflammation in an area, you can develop scar tissue on the fascia. When this occurs, it loses its dynamic nature and becomes hardened. In this form, it can restrict natural movement, create biomechanical imbalances, and cause pain.


Myofascial release massage focuses on breaking up the hardened fascia to restore a healthy level of flexibility and range of motion. The massage therapist uses their hands to stretch and break down the fascia to regain precious flexibility. The process takes time, and a specific area can be focused on for over five or more minutes. Several sessions are usually required to achieve lasting improvements.


The primary benefit of myofascial release is the lessening of pain during movements. Over time, flexibility and range of motion can be increased using this technique. Treatment sessions will include an initial visual assessment of the client’s posture and movement as well.


If you’re starting to feel old injuries flaring up again, consider myofascial release to combat the pain and regain your natural mobility.   


Trigger Point Therapy


“Trigger point” is the name given to a tight spot in muscle tissue that causes pain or discomfort in other areas of the body. For instance, if you’ve got a trigger point in your back, you may feel pain in your neck. The neck then acts as a satellite trigger point and can often lead to headaches.


All this discomfort is caused by one little tight spot in your muscle. That’s the bad news. The good news is that trigger point therapy helps eliminate this pain and allows you to resume a healthy lifestyle.


During a trigger point massage, you participate in the session by breathing deeply when asked and by helping the therapist to identify the location causing your pain. Using isolated cycles of pressure and release, he or she is able to find the trigger point and ease the tension it’s causing. Trigger point massage is designed to release the tight areas in your muscles, which reduces or eliminates any pain and discomfort you’re feeling.




Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.



Kinesiology Taping


This medically proven rehabilitative technique stimulates the body's natural healing and self repair processes by stabilizing joints, muscles and soft tissue in a manner that does not restrict the person's range of motion. Thus, kinesiology taping is an enhanced way of soft tissue manipulation that has additional positive effects on the body, such as:

pain and swelling reduction, redistribution of physical stress, fatigue delay and improved muscle tone.



Craniosacral Therapy


Massage is defined as structured, professional touch. Massage techniques manually manipulate the muscles, tendons, and fascia of the body to promote health and wellness.

Benefits Of Massage


1 Relieve stress

2 Relieve postoperative pain

3 Reduce anxiety

4 Manage low-back pain

5 Help fibromyalgia pain

6 Reduce muscle tension

7 Enhance exercise performance

8 Relieve tension headaches

9 Sleep better

10 Ease symptoms of depression

11 Improve cardiovascular health

12 Reduce pain of osteoarthritis

13 Decrease stress in cancer patients

14 Improve balance in older adults

15 Decrease rheumatoid arthritis pain

16 Temper effects of dementia

17 Promote relaxation

18 Lower blood pressure

19 Decrease symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

20 Help chronic neck pain as well as TMJ

21 Lower joint replacement pain

22 Increase range of motion

23 Decrease migraine frequency

24 Improve quality of life in hospice care

25 Reduce chemotherapy-related nausea


Limitations of Massage


Massage therapists do not diagnose medical diseases or musculoskeletal conditions and massage is not a substitute for medical examination and treatment. Massage therapists do not prescribe herbs or drugs, including aspirin or ibuprofen, or medical treatments. They do not perform spinal adjustments and they cannot counsel clients about emotional or spiritual issues as would be provided by a mental health professional or spiritual leader. If you experience symptoms that lead you to believe you may have a medical condition, it is recommended that you visit a physician for diagnosis and treatment. For a detailed description of the massage scope of practice in this state, please contact the state's board of massage where you receive(d) your massage treatment.


Adverse Reactions to Massage


Massage may lead to adverse reactions in certain situations or when used with certain conditions or medications. The massage therapist will evaluate your health-history intake and ask you questions to make sure it is safe for you to receive massage. In the event the massage therapist is uncertain that massage will be of benefit to you, he or she may ask you to provide a note from your physician stating that it is safe for you to receive massage.

Massage Contraindications


Total Contraindications To Massage –  with these conditions, please do not book a massage:

  • Fever

  • Contagious diseases, including any cold or flu, no matter how mild it may seem

  • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol-including prescription pain medication

  • Recent operations or acute injuries

  • Neuritis

  • Skin diseases


Local Contraindications To Massage


The therapist can massage but not over any areas affected by:

  • Varicose veins

  • Undiagnosed lumps or bumps

  • Pregnancy

  • Bruising

  • Cuts

  • Abrasions

  • Sunburn

  • Undiagnosed pain

  • Inflammation, including arthritis


Medical Contraindications To Massage


If you suffer from any of the following conditions, massage can only take place once it has been approved before your session in writing by your Physician.

•  Cardio-vascular conditions (thrombosis, phlebitis, hypertension, heart conditions)

•  Any condition already being treated by a medical practitioner

•  Oedema

•  Psoriasis or eczem

•  High blood pressure

•  Osteoporosis

•  Nervous or psychotic conditions

•  Heart problems, angina, those with pacemakers

•  Epilepsy

•  Diabetes

•  Bell’s palsy, trapped or pinched nerves

•  Gynecological infections

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