Are you looking for holistic health solutions because mainstream health care isn't meeting your needs?
Are you suffering of illnesses, symptoms and side effects brought about by the pandemic?
Are you having persisting reactions since you've received medical treatment of these recent viral illnesses?
Is staying healthy one of your top priorities in these current trying and unstable times?
"Pain And Discomfort Ought Not Be Life's Norm..."
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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
Listen. Discuss. Explain. Help You To Heal... Teach You How To Sustainably Manage Your Recovery & To Avoid Reinjury... Focus On Your Unique Health Needs, Goals, Comfort Level & Preferences.
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A light touch, whole-body treatment technique that works with the craniosacral system to effectively address aches, pains, various health issues as well as the body's coping mechanisms, immunity and natural rhythms.

We use medical thermography to detect the origin of functional problems such as thermal asymmetries, or inflammation to help us better assess the root cause of health issues and refine treatment strategies.

By assessing and analyzing your posture weaknesses and related pain and health issues, we teach you how to counteract them through a series of simple & clinically proven posture strengthening protocols.

At our clinic, we are passionate about helping people to heal. We do this through the use of scientifically proven and evidence based, therapeutic bodywork modalities and holistic approaches (examples: craniosacral therapy, lymphatic drainage, medical massage, posture and breathing rehabilitation, nutrition coaching and medical thermography) to address the root cause not just the symptoms. Our treatment protocols are designed to achieve a holistic synergy and maximum effective rehabilitative outcome, based on each individual client's unique health needs and goals.
We are a PRIVATE MEMEBERSHIP ASSOCIATION (PMA) - the guiding principle of which is SELF SOVEREIGNTY, a person's ability to choose the direction of his / her own life, thus being the exclusive authority over his / her own body and mind.
What is a Private Membership Association?
A PMA is a legal entity in which the rights of both you (the client) and me (the practitioner) are constitutionally protected - particularly protecting its members’ 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment rights to privacy, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, and freedom of speech as it relates to their healthcare choices, natural products, and services.
These last years we have seen MAJOR government and regulatory agency over-reach into patients’ medical care.
As a result, our PMA was formed out of great need in the holistic healthcare community for a safe-haven where YOU can make personal healthcare choices and I can offer you the best and most effective holistic healthcare without fear.
As a PMA I will function as I always have – within the legal scope of my practice offering you services to the fullest extent of my ability. My mission and ultimate goal remains: to help people heal through the use of scientifically proven and evidence based therapeutic bodywork modalities and holistic approaches that effectively take into consideration their health needs and goals.
This is a win-win scenario and the new face of medicine!
There is NO FEE TO JOIN our PMA – that’s not what this is about.
However, if you would like to work with me, I will require that you join our PMA. That’s the ONLY way I will work with clients in this “new age” of healthcare.
To become a member, we will ask that you read and sign our PMA agreement prior to your first appointment (that will be taken care of after we decide that we want to work together). Again there is no fee to join our PMA.
I offer a FREE 15 MINUTE CONSULT to discuss health concerns before we decide next steps! But just remember, I will only move forward with those clients that value freedom of speech like I do and find value in a PMA.
REMEMBER - The government is not your doctor! You inherently have Health and Body Sovereignty!
Tomas Cernansky
837 Main Street
Chipley, FL 32428
Website: www.abwrehab.com
Email: office@abwrehab.com
Office: 850 326 8805
Business Hours:
Monday – Thursday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
We see patients by appointment only (sorry, no walk-ins) !